


Slika 14 od 15

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slažem seeeee!


Yes, you're right. I COULD KILL YOU and I CAN do it. C:

You would kill me, I'm disappointed honey :c

Yuck! Dead kitty. It'll become smelly after some time... *buries it*

Diieeeeeeeeee :C

*Sees the insult* *flare*

And now kitty, you'll be dead.


*bundle of flare*

Yes I can, yes I will (you bunch of pussyies)

Haha, you're so sweet, dear. You think you can defeat us <3

And what will moon do to me? ;3 It will just shine in sign of you'r defeat, our victory ;D

Dance, dance, dance on the moonlight *howls* We are the owners of the moon, we are ordering it to come down. We rule, just try to touch us.

Tigers are eating, wolves are dancing! Auuuuuuuuuuu ^0^

Wolves are ruling, tigers are drooling! Auuuuuuu ^0^

Ma kakvi vukovi ;3

Vukovi su boljiwhistling2