


The first Alice was a woman of the Spade Who couragisly held a sword in her hand Chopped down anything in her way of making a red path for herself That Alice was brought deep into the forest locked in as the sinner In addition to the way of the forest her life was unknown The second Alice was a man of the Diamond He tamely sang a song in Wonderland To fill all kinds of sound And produced a crazy world That Alice had Rose Flowers And a cross-eyed man shot at him He came out as the bright red flower bloom Everyone loved him, and to be dying The third Alice was a child of the Clover She had a beautiful figure in wonderland For many people to delude A strange country was created That Alice was the Queen She posses the dream of distortion She traveled to the country in a rotten Body The fourth Alice were Twins of the Heart Bringing their curiousity to Wonderland Making a door to All kinds of bogus Big Sister is tough little brother intelligent They were near to the first alice But their dream has yet to awaken To this day they continue to wander in Wonderland.

O meni

  • Alice
  • ženski
  • 26 godina

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jadni takanshi kun uvjek nadrapa

hahahahhaha odo malo pogledat working hehehe

ok pogledat cu

luna online cuo jesam

sutra poslje 12:00 nova epizoda workinga svakog ponedjeljka poslje 12:00 dolazi jedna epizoda

hahah ok barem nekaj dobro

a duga priča heheh dns sam sretan neg ikad imendan mi je

nema kaj biti sorry top sam i htio

oh zao mi je no budi sretna ja cu past razred hehehe

kaj ima

niš gleda se naruto i radi video hehe

kaj ima dugo se nismo culi

jajaja ok gleda se pomalo working naruto a i ostalo

kak si

dosla osma epizoda working

super ako igras...znas li kako proci dvadeseti na dvici???

ne to je kuhar sa plavom kosom o da ja mislio na onog sa zutom kuiš kod nas plava