NikoliNa ^^



You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town ♥ He's making a list, Checking it twice; Gonna find out who's naughty or nice. Santa Claus is coming to town ♥ He sees you when you're sleeping He knows when you're awake He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness sake . Santa Claus is coming to town ♥ smile Santa can you hear me. I have been so good this year big-smilie Nika ♥ TinČek ♥ Mr.Onur ♥ AmaNaria ♥ Zoak ♥

O meni

  • NikoliNa ^^
  • ženski
  • 100 godina , ne zanima te :D
  • 19.05.1923

Komentari (35)


Ljepoticaaa heart

Majda ne potpisuj xD
Predivna si *__* heart :*

hvala tii^^ ;D

slikaaaa *.* big-smilie

xD hvala vam^^ heart

potpisujem nikino xD

zubićii ^^ *___*
Predivna heart :*

^^ heart

Preslatka big-smilie

ccc c(:

Aaaa sise lol njami

hvala ti^^
heart :*

pufiliiiii :*
Ljepotica heart



hvaLa, sReČo^^ heart

Hahha.Santa Claus is coming to town xD
joŠ jednom ^^
PreLjepa si *__* heart

ajme. HVALA^^ heart

PreLjepa heart :*