ѕolαмeɴтe eхтrαɴjerα



♥+☮=(: "There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout: This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you."

-Ne dozvoli da zbog svoje nesigurnosti IZGUBIS ono sto zelis jer ces s vremenom shvatiti da prave osobe samo jednom dolaze,a ZAUVIJEK odlaze.- If you want to learn from your mistakes, then accept the past and change your future. Ako se ikada budete našli u situaciji da se dvoumite da li da nešto uradite ili ne uvijek se odlučite na ovo prvo. Lakše je kajati se za ono što ste uradili nego za ono što niste. Jer ja se kajem što nisam ... bilo je neizvodljivo onda ... a sada još teže ... sada baš nemoguće ... vise necu dolazit na igre.. adios amigos ;** love u all lol

O meni

  • ѕolαмeɴтe eхтrαɴjerα
  • ženski
  • 18 godina



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