


I dance around this empty house Tear us down, throw you out Screaming down the halls Spinning all around and now we fall Pictures framing up the past Your taunting smirk behind the glass This museum full of ash Once a tickle, now a rash This used to be a Funhouse But now it's full of evil clowns It's time to start the countdown I'm gonna burn it down, down, down I'm gonna burn it down 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fun Echoes knocking on locked doors All the laughter from before I'd rather live out on the street Than in this haunted memory Ja san crazy kada mi saljete punooooo zahtjeva!!!!!!!!!

O meni

  • emo.cura
  • ženski
  • 26 godina , MUTOGRASSSS!!!!!


  • glazbapop,pop rock,R&B, reggae,dance.
  • filmoviavantura
  • tv emisijeswe
  • aktivnostiples i klavir...xD

Više o meni

  • hranapizzaaaaaaa
  • bojaroza,plawa...
  • životinjepasic,maca i konj...
  • mrzimjedinicu u skoli,umisljene,justina biebera, i skoluuu
  • naziv školeo.š jesenice
  • naj prijatelj na Igre123MiSs_NoGhTiNg,materila_girl,looly_lolly,xblack_girlx,josip5,kralj100.
  • herojiJEBEŠ HEROJE!!!!!!!!!


  • emailstate.briga@gmail.com

Komentari (10)


a hwajaa waaaaammmm

o da i ja sam ti posjetila profil

STWARNO IMAS OKUSAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ma tnx swimaaa!!!!!!!

xd slika

ma suppppppeeeeerrrr



e supp slikaa...xD

a hwajaaaaaa