Zovu me Mia



Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge And had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid And in the car they found a tape, but they didn't say who it was to Come to think about it, his name was... it was you Damn!

O meni

  • Zovu me Mia
  • ženski
  • 25 godina


  • glazbaRock, domaća
  • filmoviAkcijski, drame

Više o meni

  • hranaPizza
  • bojaPlava
  • životinjeMačka
  • naziv školeFilozofski fakultet

Komentari (10)

kissing lol

Olaaaaa big-smilie

Hola Amigo smile_xd


Ah čujte odličan izbor big-smilie

mmm big-smilie

Ammmm ćevapi big-smilie

pizza ili ćevapi confused

You are awesome and beautiful kissing and ty that you let me write this blush feel special heart